Woke Teens Camp by Pam Lozoff
Website: https://www.btcwellness.org/
The Pitch // Woke Teens Camp aims to provide yoga, mindfulness, creative expression, and community engagement opportunities for at-risk teens.
About // Pam Lozoff is the Director of Community Programs at Be the Change Yoga, a donation based community yoga studio. Be the Change is dedicated to helping people create positive change from the inside out through donation-based yoga and wellness services. Pam is a trained as a social worker, non-profit manager, and yoga instructor. She is passionate about the intersection of social justice work, heart-centered leadership, and embodied healing with youth, service providers, and caregivers.
Yoga & Dance Festival by Taraneh Sarrafzadeh
Website: https://www.btcwellness.org/
The Pitch // BE Movement wants to bring together and elevate San Jose's wellness culture so that our community of all ages and backgrounds can experience and connect with the physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual benefits of dance, yoga, and movement! San Jose needs access to healthy ways for all folks connect with themselves, each other, and public life in our city.
About // Taraneh Sarrafzadeh is a local business owner of Be the Change Yoga. Be the Change is dedicated to helping people create positive change from the inside out through donation-based yoga and wellness services. Taraneh is also a passionate community organizer dedicated to using movement to bring peace, ease, and healing to people from all walks of life.
SJCA Style & Culture Channel by Nicholas Jimenez
Youtube: www.youtube.com/Nicholasjimenezsjca
Instagram: @njimenezco
The Pitch // The San Jose story goes beyond the narrative of its agriculture and technologic byproducts. San Jose is rich with style and culture that is both unique and humble. This is what inspired Nicholas Jimenez to create and launch a YouTube Channel dedicated to highlighting and uplifting his community of creatives.
About // Nicholas Jimenez is a San Jose native. He works at a local non-profit with at risk youth teaching them digital media skills. He is San Jose State University 4th year student studying Industrial Design.
Lavish Buds Magazine by Galy Jimenez
Instagram: @gahlee_
The Pitch // Galy has a strong drive for social change and aims to positively impact her community through art and unity. Lavish Buds Magazine is a collection of stories about local artists and small businesses that have made an impact in their communities. Her stories go beyond the traditional success reels we are so often use to and touches upon the struggles and failures and sometimes trauma that have led to their success.
About // Galy Jimenez is a first-generation Mexican American (Chicana). Studying psychology at San Jose City College. She is a poet and writer with a focus on the history of undocumented workers in America.
Do It San Jose by Sarah Chamberlain
Website: www.doitsanjose.com
The Pitch // Do It San Jose is a website that not only features “San Jose Only” events and venues, but also gives a platform for its residents to share and cultivate their own events. Do It San Jose aims to uplift the San Jose Culture!
About // Sarah Chamberlain is the Creative Director for a local ad tech startup who got her start on political campaigns in Washington, DC. She is passionate about bringing people together, helping others, and enjoying life.
Spray Painting Lessons by Haley Cardamon
Instagram: @bayareacreativesklub
The Pitch // When people think of spray painting, they usually think of graffiti and vandalism, not art. Spray painting isn’t illegal it’s just another medium of art. Haley’s goal is to change the stigma surrounding spray painting by showing and teaching the public how to create their own art with a spray paint class led by a professional artist.
About // Haley Cardamon was born and raised in East side of San Jose. She is the creator of an independently published art magazine called BACK Magazine (Bay Area Creatives Klub). Haley is passionate about providing a platform for inspiring and emerging artists in San Jose and the Bay Area.