Nothing But Nets Buzz Tour Coming to SJ

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The Nothing But Nets Buzz Tour is coming to San Jose. Nothing But Nets -- a global, grassroots campaign to end malaria in Africa—and its country-wide bus tour are driving toward the global goal of ending malaria deaths by 2015 with interactive events for local residents to learn more about malaria prevention. The eco-friendly bus (running on waste vegetable oil and biodiesel) will roll into Buck Shaw Stadium on Wednesday, June 2 to join the San Jose Earthquakes in hosting an awareness event. Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds, and Nothing But Nets is working towards kicking malaria out of Africa. The Earthquakes will host the Columbus Crew at 7 p.m. PT at Buck Shaw Stadium that night.

The Buzz Tour will visit its partners and supporters in more than 15 cities and working with Major League Soccer to host in-stadium events to raise awareness about malaria, in the lead up to the 2010 World Cup, which will be played in Africa for the first time. Ninety percent of malaria deaths occur in Africa, where a child dies every 30 seconds from a malaria infection. To leverage the enthusiasm around the World Cup, the UN Foundation and its Nothing But Nets campaign are teaming up with soccer stars and other malaria-focused organizations for a one-year campaign called United Against Malaria.

More photos, information on schedules and stops can be found here: you can also follow us on Twitter @buzztour

About Nothing But Nets
Nothing But Nets is a global, grassroots campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a leading killer of children in Africa. Inspired by sports columnist Rick Reilly, hundreds of thousands of people have joined the campaign that was created by the United Nations Foundation. Founding campaign partners include the National Basketball Association’s NBA Cares, the people of The United Methodist Church, and Sports Illustrated. It only costs $10 to provide an insecticide-treated bed net that can prevent this deadly disease. Visit to send a net and save a life.