Could you give us your background on where you are from and how you became a Quakes fan?Â
- I have been a season ticket holder since we moved to San Jose in 2000. I took over as the President of the Casbah Supporter’s Group in 2001 and I have ran it since last year. I have been a board member for Club Quake as well. It has been a long and fun road.Â
What are a couple of your favorite memories being part of the Quakes family?Â
- I have been a soccer fan since I was a little kid, I have been a Man U supporter since I was 9. It was fun to see the Bay Area newspapers equate the Quakes fan to European Fans in the articles after the big Galaxy come back. I was sitting right under a PA system that game, and I remember it being so loud in the stadium that game, you could not hear a word said that was announced for the last 6-7 minutes of the game.
What aspect of watching the sport of soccer grow in the bay area, has meant the most to you?Â
-  You know I got handed a supporter’s group to take over, so my big thing was converting it to a proper 501C and becoming a nonprofit in the Bay Area as well as being able to make donations and make change in the area. So I guess converting a supporters group from a tailgating group to something that actually makes a difference in their community over the years.Â
What does it mean to you to be recognized by the club for this honor?Â
- I am proud that I have been able to support the team in the ways that I have. I wasn’t hand picked for the job, I was not voted in. It was more opportunistic, so I can't say I invested a lot of time in getting the position but I am glad I found my way into it. Being able to support the club in ways the club has needed me to over the years. More than just me being recognized, it's the CazBah being recognized by this honor.